Did you know that Guyson maintains large stocks of all kinds of blast media for a wide variety of blasting applications?
Guyson is widely recognized as a manufacturer of cabinet-blasting machinery, but besides an entire family of alternative media for non-destructive blast cleaning, we also have shot, grit and bead media for surface preparation, satin finishing, shot peening, deburring, stripping, deflashing, descaling and other blasting operations. Just about the only category of media we do not carry is disposable grit for outdoor blasting.
Along with our applications experience, we have steadily expanded our media offerings. Increased volume and high turnover have improved Guyson’s bargaining power with suppliers, and it enables us to offer the highest quality media, including special-purpose media, at competitive prices.
If you are considering a change of media in your Guyson machine, or if you need media for other blasting operations, whatever the application, please contact our customer service team for recommendations or a prompt quotation of price and delivery.
Call the Guyson Owner Hotline toll-free from anywhere in the U.S.A. or Canada at 1-800-633-6677 (international customers call 518-587-7894), use the Customer Service Contact Page on this web site, or send e-mail to custsvc@guyson.com for a prompt response.