Visitors to Guyson’s Saratoga Springs, NY, Design and Manufacturing Center are now greeted by a brand new sign at the Grande Blvd. facilities.
Designed, fabricated and installed by Saratoga Sign Pros, Inc., the corporate identity marker is mounted on a steel post-and-frame structure built right in Guyson’s Welding Shop and given a glossy protective coating in our Paint Department. Other members of the Guyson team participated in the project, as well, first by removing the old sign and some over-grown shrubbery that stood by the roadside for over 20 years, then by installing the welded framework.
Steve Byrnes, President of Guyson Corporation, was the driving force behind the updated sign and led the group that worked with the sign maker in development of the design.
“After some discussion, we came to the conclusion that we wanted the new sign to reflect more of what the company is doing today, particularly the exciting developments at Guyson in the area of robotic blasting and shot peening,” Byrnes commented about the design project.
The sign company used up-to-date fabrication methods in execution of the design, not unlike some of the techniques employed by Guyson in manufacturing advanced blasting machinery. CAD/CAM software was employed to generate the program for automated milling of the three-dimensional sign board.