Guyson Corporation offers its Model 10 and other large blast cabinets with the option of a slotted roof that enables safe and convenient loading and unloading of heavy work pieces.

Model 10 Blast Cabinet slotted for crane loading
The standard Model 10 cabinet has a roomy blast finishing chamber that is 60 x 60 x 60 inches (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 meters). Cabinet-blast machines of this size are frequently used for blast cleaning or surface preparation of large, heavy components or bulky fabrications that are handled by an overhead crane or hoist.
One alternative is to design the blast cabinet with a track extension and a roll-out transfer cart on one or both sides. However, in work spaces with a tight floor plan layout, the external track may occupy more square footage than is desirable. The crane slot allows direct loading of work through the full-depth, side-hinged swinging door, without the sacrifice of extra floor space. Rubber flaps seal the slot, and it has a hinged dust cover.
The Model 10 blast cabinet is typically equipped with a powered turntable in the blasting enclosure to help the operator position heavy work for improved access to all surfaces. Two sets of armholes allow coverage of taller components.
While large-cube blast cabinets are normally supplied with direct pressure media delivery to enable faster processing of components that have a lot of surface area, the Model 10 is also available as a more economical suction-blast system. In either case, a cyclone media reclaimer is included in the system to separate dust and fine particles from the reusable shot or grit, maintaining the effectiveness of the media mix. The third element of the complete abrasive blasting system is a cartridge-type dust collector that filters 1,000 cubic feet of air extracted from the blast enclosure each minute of operation.
For blasting with harsh abrasive media, the cabinet is protected from induced wear by the bonding of quarter-inch thick rubber sheet to the turntable, interior walls, doors and the media hopper at the bottom of the machine, as well as the inlet elbow, body and cone of the cyclone reclaimer. The glazed-in safety glass view windows are protected from frosting by a sacrificial inner window that is square-cut from common glass and gasketed in a removable frame that facilitates quick changing when visibility conditions dictate.
Prospective users of custom manual blast systems are encouraged to submit sample components for free laboratory testing and application engineering evaluation at the Guyson factory in northeastern New York State.