Guyson Corporation has introduced a 72 x 72-inch wet blasting machine with a 1,500-pound capacity powered transfer cart and a gun manipulator that moves the blast nozzles vertically and horizontally in a repeatable programmed routine.
Designed for wet-blast cleaning, descaling and pre-polish treatment of dies for aluminum extrusion, this custom-engineered Vaqua slurry blasting system has two banks of four guns bracketed in position at the correct angles and offsets on the X-axis arms of the gun mover, so both faces of the die can be blasted simultaneously. Controlled and adjustable traversing of the blast guns in two axes enables thorough, consistent coverage of dies up to 30 inches in diameter, and if desired, blast treatment can be concentrated on the bearing surfaces of the die.
To read the whole Product News release, see our What’s New announcement here.