Guyson Develops Precision Specimen.

Surface Roughness specimen to determine an exact Ra Value on a profilometer.
Guyson Corporation is a world leader in industrial blasting equipment, introduces a surface roughness specimen, based on a third party certified “Master Specimen” of non-periodic Ra standard. These coupons are produced using a one pass blasting method and are quantified as per ASTM D7127.

your profilometer needs a scientificly approved blast specimen to get precise results.
The importance of meeting engineering specifications for Ra finishing standards in nonperiodic finishes cannot be underestimated. The result affects how accurately a part will operate. To date, there has been no consistent way to achieve this goal. To address this unmet need in the industry, Guyson Corporation, the world leader in industrial blasting equipment, has just introduced a surface roughness specimen, based on a third party certified “Master Specimen” of non-periodic Ra standard. These coupons are produced by several representative blasting methods and are quantified as per ASTM D7127.
This is why we created the Guyson Institute of Standards

The Guyson Institute of Standards was created to develop a series of Blasts Specimens that can precisely define a Surface Roughness for your profilometer.
The “Guyson Institute of Standards” was created by Guyson, with the sole purpose to define the Ra finishing standards for non-periodic finishes for the blast finishing industry. For the first time there is an accurate process that follows ASTM standards, in the most accurate way the world has seen.
Until now most roughness certified coupons were made to reference a periodic machine surface. A periodic surface is one that has a repeated pattern created by a machine cutting blade moving back and forth. Blast finishing is a nonperiodic process and its Ra value should not be determined with a periodic specimen which will give you an inaccurate result.

Periodic vs non-periodic surface
The Guyson Blast Specimen brings unprecedented accuracy to metal finishing.
Previously, a nonperiodic blast specimen did not exist creating a problem when determining a precise roughness value on your profilometer. This added to the inconsistencies in the results.
The Guyson Institute of Standards has created a new blast specimen to determine a specific Ra Value on a calibrated profilometer which will allow you to correctly match that Ra Value on your product finish.
All previous Ra measurements up to this point, are inconsistent because there is no Scientifically certified specimen to determine the gloss value of a non periodic finish.
The Guyson Institute of Standards uses the Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-410 in our testing lab.

Guyson Institute of Standards uses the Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-410 Profilometer
• Measures surface roughness
• Measuring Range of 25mm (1”) in X
• Detector Z range max of 800μm
• Resolution of 0.000125μm (at 8μm range)
• Measuring Force 4mN
Guyson non-periodic Ra Blast Specimen Will Revolutionizes the Industry.
If your product involves people’s welfare, now you can make sure that you have all your specifications defined and certified. With the Guyson Institute of Standards blast specimen, you have a scientifically accurate starting point for the Ra finish you want on your product. This cutting-edge product will redefine how you determine the finishes for your next blast cabinet RFP. These specimens will give you the ability to monitor the consistency of your finish throughout your manufacturing process, and meet or exceed all specifications for a scientific measuring device.
Guyson manufactures the coupons under repeatable laboratory conditions using Guyson robotic blast cabinets. These machines are specifically created for the development of standardized Ra coupons. The Guyson Corporation has ushered in a new age of accuracy with this technology.
Guyson has a Patent Pending on this product, and is available only through Guyson Corporation.
click here for detailed brochure
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