Guyson Corporation has introduced a pressure-blast version of its popular Model T-50 tumble-blast system that offers advantages for certain challenging batch processing applications. The tumble-basket machine is designed for overall blasting of small components.

Model T-50 Tumble-blast system with pressure-blast media delivery.
Direct pressure media delivery is capable of efficiently accelerating shot or grit to higher velocities, imparting more energy to component surfaces. Not only does pressure-blast speed up the cycle time per batch, but it enables the performance of some surface treatment work that could not be accomplished by suction-blast equipment, such as high-intensity shot peening of racing valve springs, peening other high performance springs or small parts, stripping of tough coatings, blast cleaning heavy scale and etching hard materials.
The T-50 tumble-blast cabinet features a 30-inch diameter basket that is 15 inches deep and has a working capacity of approximately one cubic foot or 75 pounds of components per batch. The rotation speed of the basket is adjustable, so the tumbling action of different components can be optimized. Guyson’s tilted basket design reduces part-on-part impingement that could damage fragile components and generates better circulation of parts in the batch, yielding more thorough coverage, greater uniformity of finish and significantly shorter blast cycle times compared to barrel or endless belt tumble-blast equipment.
Two pressure-blast nozzles are fed by a 3.5 cubic foot capacity pressure vessel in the T-50P tumble-blast system. The nozzles are mounted on adjustable brackets to allow direction of the blast at the area of the tumbling mass off components where the turning action of the parts is greatest. At the end of the timed blasting cycle, the flow of blast media is turned off, while the rotation of the tumble-basket continues, and a timed air wash blow-off cycle follows to remove dust and residual shot or grit from the components.
The footprint of the T-50P blast cabinet is 40 x 50 inches (102 x 127 cm). The tumble-blast machine can be optionally provided with a front discharge chute that enables unloading of the basket directly into a tote bin or carrier tray.
Prospective users of tumble-blast finishing or shot peening equipment are invited to submit sample components for free laboratory testing and application engineering evaluation at the the Guyson factory in northeastern New York State.