Guyson Corporation has expanded its line-up of pneumatic tumble-blast machinery with the Model T-50, a rotary basket system designed for batch processing of small components.

Guyson T-50 Tumble-blast Machine
The tumble-basket blast machine is intended for deburring, deflashing, surface preparation, cosmetic finishing or overall impact treatment of up to approximately one cubic foot of parts per batch.
Inside the 76″H x 40″W x 50″D cabinet is a 30 inch diameter rotating basket with a wide opening to facilitate manual loading of components. As the parts turn over and over in the adjustable-speed basket, all surfaces are exposed to blast from up to four suction-blast guns or two pressure-blast nozzles that are rigidly bracketed in position at the best angles and distances for coverage of the batch. Various basket perforation sizes are available.
Guyson’s original tilted tumble-basket design eliminates the harsh part-on-part impingement that is typical of endless belt and barrel-type tumble blasting equipment, so damage of fragile components is prevented. The tilt-basket Model T-50 produces greater circulation of parts in the batch, leading to more thorough and consistent coverage, a more uniform finish and much faster cycle times compared to barrel blasters.
The Model T-50 tumble-blast system is available with a hinged flip-down discharge chute that allows faster and easier unloading of components. With this option, the rotary basket is fitted with a removable sliding panel . At the end of the timed air washing or blow-off cycle which follows blast processing, the basket continues to rotate until the slide-out panel is positioned directly over the discharge chute.
When aggressive media such as aluminum oxide grit are to be used in the machine, we generally recommend optional rubber lining of the blast cabinet, abrasion resistant boron carbide blast nozzles, coated baskets, cast urethane ducting to the media reclaimer and urethane rubber lining of the cyclone separator.
Also offered optionally for the Model T-50 are a 22″ diameter tumble-basket that nests inside the standard basket for processing smaller batches of components and an even smaller mini-basket. These alternative baskets, available in a range of perforation sizes, extend the usefulness of the system for blasting different components that are to receive similar impact surface treatment.
Prospective users of the T-50 system are encouraged to submit sample components for free lab tesing and application engineering evaluation at the Guyson factory in northeastern New York State.