September 6, 2021
When you blast a variety of parts and sizes, you need a flexible sandblasting system like the Guyson Model 6, a robust and versatile workhorse for any blast, cleaning or surface finishing operation.
Posted in Machine Profiles, Uncategorized | Tagged: anodized, blast cabinet, cerakote, Deburr, Metal finish, model 6, Parkerized, Prep for coat, Pressure system, Sandblast, Suction system
August 2, 2021
Prepping metal to achieve a perfect anodized finish can be a complex process. Whether you are working with aluminum, magnesium, titanium or zinc, the metal first needs to be prepared the correct way to achieve the best results.
Posted in Product News, Uncategorized | Tagged: Anodize, anodized, prep for finish, Type 3, type III
April 26, 2021
Process longer parts faster and more efficiently with the AR-MAX 2T’s enlarged cabinet and dual blast wheels.
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged: anodized, Cerekote, Firearms, prep for finish, Sandblast